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Botanical Garden Sydney, Australia Photograph by Leslie Struxness

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Comments (60)

Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Stunning garden image full of beautiful colors!

Shelia Hunt

Shelia Hunt

Stunning floral image, Leslie!

Anas Afash

Anas Afash

Lovely artwork ... L/F

Laura Vanatka

Laura Vanatka


Debra Martz

Debra Martz

Gorgeous garden image! So colorful! LF

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular Botanical Garden Sydney Australia composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted

Leslie Struxness

Leslie Struxness


Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Congratulations on reaching 1000+ views!

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson


Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Stunning gardenscape photograph popping with great colorful flowers and a beautiful composition! Congratulations on your feature in 1000 Views! F/L

Anne Gifford

Anne Gifford

What an explosion of complementary colors as they occur in nature. Lovely.

Leslie Struxness

Leslie Struxness

thanks Christopher

Christopher James

Christopher James

Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p

Ann Pride

Ann Pride

Beautiful capture Leslie

Gigi Thomas

Gigi Thomas

Stunning capture

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Lovely. L/F

Dora Stork

Dora Stork

Amazing botanical scene and capture!

Patricia Hofmeester

Patricia Hofmeester

Beautiful and colorful image

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll


Carol Montoya

Carol Montoya

Beautiful capture

Katia Witkowski

Katia Witkowski

Nice floral image!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Beautiful colors! Revisit - x

Laura Vanatka

Laura Vanatka


Leslie Struxness

Leslie Struxness

thank you

Julieanne Case

Julieanne Case

Beautiful capture l/f

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Botanical Garden Sydney, Australia by Leslie Struxness
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